Building your own web site is fairly easy, as you will find
out, if you are able successfully survive this tutorial.
First of all identify the purpose of building a web site. It can be a
- simple family web site, to keep in touch with family members and near and
dear ones spread across the world
- A social or some other cause like trust for welfare of poor, some small
group like your town club, etc
- A small business web site, a internet brochure of your home or family
- A big e-commerce web site
- Information Portal
- You can be more creative
OK OK, I know, you know all this, this was just a warm up! So, we will
concentrate now on building of a small web site for points 1 to 3. Lets
get started:
Step 1 - Domain Name Registration
Step 2 - Web site Hosting - Prices, Disk Space, Server Speed, Windows NT, Windows 2000 verses UNIX or Linux servers
Step 3 - Web site Designing -
Your Target Audience, Content, Overview of Web site, Actual
Step 4 - Uploading
web pages - FTP
Step 5 - Marketing
web site - Online and Offline and Search Engines, Directory
Submission, Search Engine
Submission, Links
Step 6 - Web site